Crowdfunding FAQ's



What is crowdfunding?
Crowdfunding is where a large number of people pool their money together to back a business they believe in, via an online platform. We are equity
crowdfunding, for a return of shares in the business. More information on crowdfunding can be found here.

Who can invest?
Anyone over the age of 18 and legally entitled to invest. Unfortunately, local laws prohibit residents of the US, Canada and Japan from investing through Crowdcube’s platform.

Will HUUB customers have exclusive access to the investment?
Yes, we will invite HUUB customers who have registered their interest to a 48-hour private launch.

How much can I invest?
You can invest anything from £25 to £25,000. We will be offering both one-off investor rewards and ongoing benefits as part of the HUUB Owners Club.

Who am I investing alongside?
You will be investing alongside other members of the HUUB community, including Olympic gold & silver medallists, the Brownlee Brothers, who have partnered with us since 2013.

What happens after I invest?
You will officially be a HUUB shareholder once the round has closed and the cooling-off period is over! When you become a shareholder in HUUB, you will own a piece of our company and are entitled to exclusive investor rewards. If you register your interest now, we’ll let you know when the private page goes live. You can register here.

Does pre-registering commit me to investing?
Not at all, it just means you’d like to have an invite to the private launch for HUUB customers. There’s a cap to the total investment amount, so we’re giving everyone who signs up now the opportunity to invest first.

Why is HUUB crowdfunding?
We’ve witnessed an incredible period of growth here at HUUB, with recent gains made in the cycle wear space. The HUUB team is excited about new expansion initiatives in the coming 12 months, and funds raised will secure future market growth opportunities. Key areas include new international markets and expanding further into the largest and fastest-growing triathlon territories, global cycling market expansion, working capital, and sustainability.

Why crowdfunding over private equity?
We wouldn’t be where we are today without our amazing community of athletes and customers. And we wanted to give them the chance to be part of the business, share our success and benefit from some pretty special investor rewards along the way.

How do I make a return on my investment?
You would share in the financial success of a sale, an IPO or a dividend return, although these are not guaranteed outcomes. Whatever happens, you’ll get to be a part of our future.

What are the exclusive investor rewards?
We will be offering investors a range of exclusive rewards alongside the equity they receive for their investment. Further details of these will be revealed at the time of the launch.

What is the share price and valuation?
You’ll be able to find this and much more information once we launch and are live on the Crowdcube platform.

What to do now?
If you have already registered your interest with HUUB, make sure you’re signed up to Crowdcube too. And do this early, seriously, don’t wait till the launch day!