Dan Bigham wins National 10-Mile TT Championship

Dan Bigham

This past weekend saw the annual National 10-Mile TT Championship event take place in Berkshire.

The men’s title was won in convincing style by Dan Bigham once again after dominating proceedings, with a significant 22-second margin over such a short distance.

Teammate Simon Wilson was 3rd (as well as 1st vet), and George Mills-Keeling finished 3rd in the Under-23 competition just three seconds off the winner, contributing to Ribble Weldtite Pro Cycling also winning the team prize.

Bigham was the clear senior victor and now has his eye on Fenell’s National 25 and Closed Circuit Championships crowns and hopes to make it a clean sweep with the National 50 also.

Bigham told Cycling Time Trials, “It’s nice to be back, and I’m keen to take the clean sweep of the 25, 50 and Circuit Championship titles.

“I want to win everything I can this year, and this is a good start towards that.

“We have John (Archibald) returning and a big squad coming into time trials, so hopefully we can get some podiums.

“After lockdown, we launched Project Speed to utilise all our sponsors and we’ve been testing our kit across the whole squad at outdoor velodromes.

“It made sense as time trialling is just another aspect of the sport and I prefer it to road racing, it’s a big thing for us.”